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Viagra Customer Reviews

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customer comment 1 :

Very effective. Take without food to help absorption quickly and last longer. Effect does *not* run out in 4 hours. I have taken as little as 10-15 mg and felt the benefits for well over 12 hours. This of course will be different for everyone. Would recommend starting with a very, very low dose. My first dose of 25mg made my penis hurt due to the long lasting and persistent erections. Here are my recommendations and items to consider based on my personal experience:

1. Take without food 1 hour before love-time. It takes a bit to kick in. I have always felt a little “preview” effect of Viagra in about 15 minutes….but then it really kicks in after an hour. To get the Viagra flowing through your penis, manipulate yourself a little (may not take much…just an extra few giggles in the restroom).

2. Drink lots of water. Dehydration is BAD for erections.

3. Pop a couple of tums or rolaids. Viagra can make your stomach acidic.

4. Pop a breath mint as it can give you tart breath.

5. Take a very, very low dose the first time. Also, take it while you are alone so you can get used to how much you really need and the benefits. DON’T take it for the first time with your partner.

6. Don’t take it too often because it can make your prostate swell up. So don’t take it every other day so you can masturbate for 3 hours.

7. Headaches are common…pop a couple Advil with it.

8. Once you are having sex, it will keep your erection going even if what you are doing doesn’t feel that good. This is BAD. You don’t want to get used to having sex in positions that don’t feel good to you, since your erection will continue, but you may not be able to “get back into it” and have an orgasm. Certainly, there are times when this may be okay, but it gets awkward when you are in bed with a woman, have a rock hard erection, and you can’t have an orgasm. Women ask questions. And if she doesn’t know you are taking Viagra, she will probably figure it out. Good luck!!!

customer comment 2 :

At 32 i was diagnosed prostate cancer. Lupron and eulexin killed libido. Radiation two times and chemo. I am now 65 heart transplanted. Work out in gym x4 a week 2.5 hrs. Lost 120 lbs. At my high school weight 187 lbs. Swim doing laps x1 hour. Play basket ball x1 hr. No erections. Take 50 mg 1 hr before the moment and rock easy for an hour. Even up to ten hours later. Happy wife happy life. Amazing drug. Try it gentlemen. One note you need fore play the most important part. Use your top brain first….good luck

customer comment 3 :

I have been 0.25 viagra for 2 years now works amazing saying that there is side effects what doesn’t effect everyone I suffered mild head ache sometimes mild stomach pains I have mild heart condition it doesn’t raise heart rate but during sex your heart rate goes up anyways but very happy with outcome saved my relationship even though I’m only 34 talking heart medication causes erectile dysfunction thank you viagra

customer comment 4 :

I’m only 28 and single so I’m often out meeting other singles but recently I found my erections are hit and miss, sometimes I can get and maintain a good erection other times absolutely nothing happens even when I’m aroused. I went to my local chemist and they were able to give me viagra with no prescription necessary. I have found it very effective, for me it takes about half am hour to kick in and I am able to get and maintain a good hard eretcion every time and the effects last for about 8 hours for me.

customer comment 5 :

To say I am a non-believer of self help marketing & advertisement campaigns, brochures, commercials etc.– Is an Understatement. I am 55 years old but appear no older than 45, I take care of myself, eat right, exercise and take daily multivitamins along with my standard prescription meds.

For almost a year now, I regularly take ginseng capsules and for almost 5 months now, I have regularly been taking L – Arginine and Horny Goat weed, as an additional supplement to help fight off the effects of erectile disfunction, something I never believed would ever affect me as I have always had a very powerful libido. Needless to say, apart from excessive sweatiness, frazzled nerves and sleepless nights, no positive effect ever developed to help me with my problem or even to assist with the decreasing size of my penis as the inability to maintain arousal or even achieve orgasm continued to deflate my dignity and self respect.

Finally I decided to try sildenafil citrate (Viagara), my pharmacist suggested I speak with my doctor and he prescribed sildenafil 50 mgs. First of all I must say; there are quite a few curious side effects noted for this drug. On my case however, I noticed color changes and different shades of hazy gold everywhere I looked (which was actually quite pleasant, almost like an acid trip of sorts). I also felt a little flushed, a little extra color on the cheeks but that it as far as side effects go. What I didn’t feel, Is an uncontrollable urge or explosive desire of any kind. However, when I engaged in sexual activity (roughly 1 1/2 hours later– Oh Boy!!

My penis grew larger than ever, something I hadn’t seen in over 10 years. My desire to climax reminded me of my youth, I hadn’t experienced premature ejaculation in over 40 years but that night, I had to really focus in order to .control myself.

customer comment 6 :

Obviously my experience was phenomenal and I was very grateful but I still wanted to know what would happen the next day without the use of Viagara. To my surprise (and on 2 occasions now) I reached maximum extension of my manhood and the climax was again powerful.

Viagra has truly been a game-changer for me. I was initially skeptical about trying it, but I’m so glad I did. It has completely transformed my confidence and relationship with my partner.

Before Viagra, I struggled with occasional erectile dysfunction, which took a toll on my self-esteem and intimacy. But with Viagra, I’ve found a reliable solution that works wonders. The results are remarkable and consistent.

One thing I appreciate about Viagra is its reliability. I can count on it to work when I need it, giving me the assurance and peace of mind to enjoy intimate moments without worrying about performance.

I also appreciate the flexibility it offers. Whether it’s a planned romantic evening or a spontaneous moment, Viagra allows me to be ready whenever the opportunity arises.

In terms of side effects, I’ve experienced minimal issues. Occasionally, I may have a slight headache or mild flushing, but these are minor and well worth the benefits Viagra provides.

Overall, Viagra has exceeded my expectations and revitalized my sex life. It’s a medication I highly recommend to anyone dealing with erectile dysfunction. It’s truly made a positive difference in my life and relationship.

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